Greek coffee is not just our favorite daily habit but also is for our organization a powerful ally ...
Greek coffee is very rich in antioxidants. Details contains chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid and melanoidins that contribute to fight free radicals. It is estimated that a Greek coffee cup,
contains about 150 mg of antioxidants daily from our guarding against cardiovascular disease, cancer and premature aging.
Greek coffee contributes to longevity and good health, according to study Greek in Ikaria. The analyzes showed that those who regularly drank Greek coffee compared to those who drank other types of coffee have a lower risk of myocardial infarction.
Greek coffee our moisturizes. Contrary to the past, scientists concluded not only that the diuretic effect of caffeine does not adversely affect the overall hydration of the body, but in fact the opposite. Coffee along with other non-alcoholic drinks and of course including water contributes to daily hydration of the body.
Greek coffee keeps us the best friends in difficult times, but also improves our mental abilities. According to data from the EFSA, 75mg of caffeine (about two cups Greek coffee) associated with increased caution and alertness in situations of stress, and moreover seems to benefit the brain in circumstances requiring increased attention and vigilance as to the Nightshift.
Moreover, the coffee seems to improve significantly and mood. According to a recent epidemiological study, 2 double Greek to protect against depression and can improve the stress and anxiety that we experience daily. Besides, not all drink a coffee to relax?
Greek coffee, containing 35 to 65mg daily caffeine reduces fatigue and improves athletic performance. Although today So you do not have courage to go to the gym, Remedy directly with a Greek coffee cup and will no longer have any excuse.
Greek coffee is the best companion in the diet. The caloric content of Greek coffee, extremely low after a cup of coffee yields just 1 calorie. Favor a maximum in your coffee, consuming the sugar or milk while .
give away in your body more than 2000 components, including metals, B vitamins and polyphenols.
Greek coffee is very rich in antioxidants. Details contains chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid and melanoidins that contribute to fight free radicals. It is estimated that a Greek coffee cup,
contains about 150 mg of antioxidants daily from our guarding against cardiovascular disease, cancer and premature aging.
Greek coffee contributes to longevity and good health, according to study Greek in Ikaria. The analyzes showed that those who regularly drank Greek coffee compared to those who drank other types of coffee have a lower risk of myocardial infarction.
Greek coffee our moisturizes. Contrary to the past, scientists concluded not only that the diuretic effect of caffeine does not adversely affect the overall hydration of the body, but in fact the opposite. Coffee along with other non-alcoholic drinks and of course including water contributes to daily hydration of the body.
Greek coffee keeps us the best friends in difficult times, but also improves our mental abilities. According to data from the EFSA, 75mg of caffeine (about two cups Greek coffee) associated with increased caution and alertness in situations of stress, and moreover seems to benefit the brain in circumstances requiring increased attention and vigilance as to the Nightshift.
Moreover, the coffee seems to improve significantly and mood. According to a recent epidemiological study, 2 double Greek to protect against depression and can improve the stress and anxiety that we experience daily. Besides, not all drink a coffee to relax?
Greek coffee, containing 35 to 65mg daily caffeine reduces fatigue and improves athletic performance. Although today So you do not have courage to go to the gym, Remedy directly with a Greek coffee cup and will no longer have any excuse.
Greek coffee is the best companion in the diet. The caloric content of Greek coffee, extremely low after a cup of coffee yields just 1 calorie. Favor a maximum in your coffee, consuming the sugar or milk while .
give away in your body more than 2000 components, including metals, B vitamins and polyphenols.
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