1) Enhance metabolism
Coffee,not only helps to keep your figure,but also to lose weight. The metabolic effects of coffee though have better and more long lasting effects on women who already are in a normal weight than overweight.
Moderate consumption of coffee (without sugar or milk added) can fool cravings helping us to lose weight. It is important,however,not to overdo the consumption of coffee because they cause increased heart beat and stress which can lead to eating more and have the opposite effects.
2) Less likelihood of Parkinson disease
post in an american medical journal showed a connection between the caffeine and the low probability of occurrence of Parkinson disease. Similar research has also shown that the consumption of 2-3 cups of coffee a day reduces the probability of the disease by 25%.
3) Antioxidant Properties
Coffee is one of the most important sources of antioxidants. Antioxidants act in such a way as to bind and neutralize free radicals,converting them into non-toxic and therefore harmless to the human body.
4) Enhancing Performance
Caffeine we receive from coffee has been proven through various researches that enhances not only the strength but the performance of a person in a job. The efficiency gains of caffeine best demonstrated when we drink coffee before endurance events and activities requiring intensive and frequent pauses and restarts. Based on the same logic,coffee helps athletes to the performance even when sleep deprived.
5) Reduces the appearance of gout
Survey of men aged over 40 years old,linked the consumption of coffee with low chances of occurrence gout. Gout is an inflammation caused in the joints by elevated levels of uric acid. In this case,the same effects has the decaf coffee.
Coffee,not only helps to keep your figure,but also to lose weight. The metabolic effects of coffee though have better and more long lasting effects on women who already are in a normal weight than overweight.
Moderate consumption of coffee (without sugar or milk added) can fool cravings helping us to lose weight. It is important,however,not to overdo the consumption of coffee because they cause increased heart beat and stress which can lead to eating more and have the opposite effects.
2) Less likelihood of Parkinson disease
post in an american medical journal showed a connection between the caffeine and the low probability of occurrence of Parkinson disease. Similar research has also shown that the consumption of 2-3 cups of coffee a day reduces the probability of the disease by 25%.
3) Antioxidant Properties
Coffee is one of the most important sources of antioxidants. Antioxidants act in such a way as to bind and neutralize free radicals,converting them into non-toxic and therefore harmless to the human body.
4) Enhancing Performance
Caffeine we receive from coffee has been proven through various researches that enhances not only the strength but the performance of a person in a job. The efficiency gains of caffeine best demonstrated when we drink coffee before endurance events and activities requiring intensive and frequent pauses and restarts. Based on the same logic,coffee helps athletes to the performance even when sleep deprived.
5) Reduces the appearance of gout
Survey of men aged over 40 years old,linked the consumption of coffee with low chances of occurrence gout. Gout is an inflammation caused in the joints by elevated levels of uric acid. In this case,the same effects has the decaf coffee.